1. Who has funded a majority of the Capital Projects in Everhart Park?
2. In 1990, who worked to reroute a proposed sewer line to save 10 original oak trees from destruction?
3. Who restored the stolen brass plaques at the Barnard Street entrance?
4. Who uncovered the original stone walkway system in the Park?
5. Who planned and helped fund the Union Street children’s entrance for safer Summer Camp access?
6. In 1995 who provided the borough with a Master Plan for the Park?
7. Who maintains a Memorial Tree Program?
8. Who helps and encourages Eagle Scout entrance improvements and the new kiosk project in the Park?
9. Who notifies the Borough about poison ivy in the Park?
10. With the help of the WCU Friars, who relocated six picnic grilles and tables to a safer location?
11. Who worked with Borough to develop a parking policy to save the turf during large Park events?
12. Who helped fund and reconstruct the original footbridge?
13. Who provided design services and helped fund major repairs to the gazebo?
14. Who has funded the planting of over 100 trees in the Park?
15. Who planned and funded the restoration of the native stream banks, thereby reducing the mowing requirements?
16. Who anchored most picnic tables to keep them out of the stream?
17. Who planned and funded the installation of the Horace Pippen bench?
18. Who established and maintains the five entrance gardens?
19. Who funded the new pervious activity court?
20. Who funded and provided volunteers to revitalize the children’s summer House?
21. Who funded new stone paving at top of three Park entrances?
22. Who planned and with help from Hillsdale School and West Chester Friends School students planted the wetlands thereby reducing the mowing of a difficult area of the park and improving the water quality in the stream?
23. Who picks up trash on a regular basis?
24. Who established the hoop garden near the children’s Summer House?
25. Who planted 5,000 donated daffodil bulbs?
Answer: 'Friends of Everhart Park' !
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