Yes! I want to help keep Everhart Park beautiful.
Be an active member and help out at the plant sale, a park clean- up, pick up trash, solicit new members, weed a garden, report problems... send us your idea!
(Special member events include a winter caroling party, and summer backyard celebration.)
— OR —
If your schedule is already full and you have no time to volunteer, use the guilt- free 50 and know you are still doing your part to help the park.
Support Friends of Everhart Park with a Donation
Make a donation in any amount as a gift / or in honor of a friend or pet.
Friends of Everhart Park is a 501c3 association and your donation is tax deductible.
Make a donation in any amount as a gift / or in honor of any person or child.
Friends of Everhart Park is a 501c3 association and your donation is tax deductible.